Monday, March 16, 2009

St. Pattys Day

Hey guys!
Took a little breather from village to hang out with my peace corps friends for st. pattys day. We are back in the small city of Koulikoro on the beautiful Niger river, trying to fight the sun of the early hot season.

I havent written in so long, but I want to send all my greetings and warmest wishes to all of you. Im thinking about you all the time. The following blogs might make it seem like things are really hard now. It has been challenging, but I also must remind you that the times I choose to use my precious laptop battery are times I need to detress, to get all of my thoughts down. So if there is a pessimistic ressoance, please know that there is still much optomism in my service, I just dont write about it as often!

Talking to Karen the other night though really lifted my spirits. I miss you all and thank you again for all that you are doing by supporting me. Thanks for the letters, donations, prayers and love. Allah ki son (may god bles you)


1 comment:

Sally Briggs said...

Hey again, one thing I was thinking about that really helped me (that another volunteer gave to me)...make a list of the things you will absolutely miss about Mali, and the things you may not miss so much...and a list of things you miss about America and a list of things you do not miss. I kept an ongoing list and it helped me to keep things in perspective :) It is funny now looking at it, cause everything is true! (miss watching all the Samoan dancing, don't miss never having any alone time/ love all the opportunities America has to offer, do not enjoy all the materialism and rush of daily life etc etc)... Hope it helps! I miss you!