Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Yes they eat bugs


So we’re still in hot season, but the good news is, we got some rain. A big rain storm too, like the ones I remember from August. It’s a great excuse to go inside and have some “me” time as the rain pounds on the tin roof. And by “me” time I mean no Malians bugging me, and a sound-proof arena where I can sing at the top of my lungs. In some sense, I’m looking forward to the rainy season. But then I am reminded of the increased humidity and the perpetual mud and I realize the real relief might have to wait until next cold season.
Because along with the rain as well come the bugs. All sorts of little critters landing on you at night. My family today was talking about how sometimes they cook up crickets in oil and eat them during the rainy season. Now meat in Mali grosses me out with all the fat and it’s impossible to chew. But something with a crunch that’s high in protein and extremely low in fat, it actually doesn’t sound that bad. “I’ll try some,” I say. They boys go out and catch some and bring them back in a can to show my host mom.
“ Oh, these are still too small to eat,” she says, “we’ll have to wait until rainy season really comes.” I look in the jar. These are too small? These are the biggest freakin bugs I’ve ever seen! About the length of my thumb. They had these gross thoraxes with antenas and bug eyes and they were scwirming all over the place. Hmmm, I’m thinking,, perhaps I won’t be eating crickets with them.

1 comment:

mom said...

Please , please don't....xoxoxo