Monday, October 19, 2009

Thanks HFL!

To all the little runners in Lima and Manor, to the teachers and administration who supported the event, to my parents and sister who helped organize, and especially to Debbie Clapp and Kevin O'Connell who brought all the heart and soul of Africa into their gym classes- You guys rock!

Together you raised over $400 for the new well project in Dombila. That means 4 wells can be improved to provide dozens of people with cleaner drinking water. Not only that but we have kids across the world who have a better understanding of each other. We know we're different, but there is something we have in common- we all can run to show our support for good health!

The people of Dombila have heard all about your efforts and are appriciative and excited. Aw ni baaraji!

Stay tuned for the website if anyone want to make any further donations. We can't thank you enough.

1 comment:

Margulies said...

It was heart breaking to read the story about you getting scammed and it brought up a lot of memories of my own. Getting scammed is an experience that everyone has at some point and you can really only learn it from experience. I remember when I was about 10 years old the while Moogs family went to Paris. On every street corner they had these really cool dancing figurines. I saw them everywhere. They would dance to the beat of any music that was playing. Kendra and I waited several days but we finally broke down and purchased one shaped like mini mouse (why mini- I dont know I guess I didnt get to chose). We took it back to the hotel and opened the package only to find that it was just a paper cut out. We were devastated at the whole scam. I couldnt believe that these people spent their whole days ripping people off. (I realize now that my Dad who had helped us purchase the figure had probably known all along that it was a scam but he let us buy it anyway. It was only a few euros and I am sure he figured we would learn a valuable lesson). I have been scammed several times since then but I will always remember that feeling.

I guess in both your case and my case at least we learned the lesson at a pretty low price ($20 is a lot in Mali but hey we didnt get Madeoff'd).

On another note I am glad to hear that the run went so well. I guess I missed your last fund raising thing please let me know about your next one. I would be more than happy to organize an event and some of my friends to raise money for your next project. See you soon(ish).
